духовник / father confessor / spiritual father


Он серьезно отвечал на мои многочисленные вопросы, а под конец беседы посоветовал читать Священное Писание и святых отцов, утром и вечером молиться по молитвослову, регулярно исповедоваться и причащаться и главное — найти духовника. (с.33)


father confessor [ˈfɑːðə kənˈfesə]  

spiritual father [ˈfɑːðə kənˈfesə]

He tried to answer all my very muddled questions as seriously as he could, and in the end he suggested that I read the Holy Scripture as well as the lives of the saints and the Church Fathers, and bade me to pray every morning and night according to the prayer book, to regularly make confession and take Communion, and—most important of all—to find a father confessor or spiritual father. (p.20)

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