братский молебен / brothers’ moleben services

братский молебен

1)При свете лампад и свечей начался братский молебен. (с.29)

brothers’ moleben services [ˈbrʌðəz’ məˈlebən ˈsɜːvɪsɪz]

In the light of the lanterns and candles, our brothers’ moleben services—short, private

2)После братского молебна все слушали утренние молитвы и читали записки, поданные паломниками о здравии и о упокоении своих близких. (с.29)

prayer services—and requiems (pannikhidas) began again. (p.17)

brothers’ supplicatory prayer services

After our brothers’ supplicatory prayer services we listened to the morning prayers, at which we read long lists that had been handed us by pilgrims. (p.17)

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